Thursday, January 24, 2008

Portal of Questions #1 is up

Finally after a long time of planning and thinking and asking other webcomic experts. Here is tbowl's very very first single panel update. It is going to be happening every Friday, and should keep yall tided over while I work on my episodes over the weekend.

I know I have done single panels in the past, either for guest art, or because I've been having real life issues, but I've been doing really good for a long time, and I'm really caught up and just having a blast. Sooo.. Here you go! Single panel update, every friday!

All you have to do is email me any questions about the tbowl universe (in character) and I'll put them up on the site. Please use common sense and just keep it in character and stuff. My comic isn't a blog. :P

Anyway, I can't think of anything else. I'm still madly plotting a TBOWL RPG for when metaplace comes out. (Will be beta within a few weeks, per their site) So look very very very forward to that. My plans for it are just amazing.

Also I finished a guest comic for a very popular webcomic last night. Look forward to that within a month or so hopefully. You will be very impressed. :D (It takes me about a month to do each one... so... If you want one, please ask WAY in advance...)

Ok! That's about all I can think of. Good things are ahead. Thanks very very very much as always for reading.

Talk to ya'll later,

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