Sunday, April 6, 2008

Guest Comic #4 is up!

This great comic is from Spearr from TNT Comics!!! I really really like it and loves its nod to Diablo and also its funny (but sad) to see Future Paladin get scammed but I'm not surprised that it happened! He gets distracted easily and is all about improving his light radius!

Thanks again Spearr! I only have two more guest comics to go and then it is time to officially start Volume 2!!!

Volume 1 is ready to print except for the cover page and is going to be 52 pages long. It features eps 13-67, some touched up panels, some completely redone frames, reorganized pages and some completely new frames! These panels will not -ever- be posted on the website. The only way to see this new content is to buy the book. Pre-order link and price-guide to be posted as soon as I get a print in my hand. I'm only doing pre-orders this time up to a certain $, and then probably ordering a little buffer, and that will be it for a really long time...

So I hope that gets some people excited. I wouldn't even have bothered doing this if it wasn't going to be really special.

So thanks all that helped me get the time off to complete it. In the next two weeks I'm going to be putting the finishing touches on volume 1, getting my proof and starting volume 2 so here is to many, many more years of TBOWL. Thanks all for your support.


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